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Friday, January 29, 2010

Type 2- F&S

I found this site on some pretty cool poster design's

How to Think

Reading "How to Think" was refreshing to me. This is the type of article that one needs to read late at night when they believe they have ran out of ideas, it is inspiring and truthful. For me, it helped to explain how to release ideas in a organized way. For example, making large mind maps, this way all thoughts, ideas, or suggestions are written down. Within that early stage of collecting ideas, it is easy to sometimes forget or not elaborate on ideas, this way a mind map helps to execute those ideas and to elaborate on them. I also like the point of making mistakes quickly. No matter who you are or what your profession is, making mistakes in inevitable. For me, I make mistakes everyday, but recovering from those mistakes is the most crucial part of correcting them. Sounds obvious right, but sometimes it's easier said than done. Boyden also uncovers the importance of documentation. Especially as a designer, the "process" and steps into creating something sometimes is more important than the end result. By documenting your work, it is excess-able to one's past mistakes and also can give tips to a designer's future projects. By documentation it is easier for the client to see your way of thinking, helping out the communication between the designer and the client. Speaking of communication; collaboration, one of the keys elements into making a successful piece. Everyone has heard of the term "two head is better than one" and it is true. Collaboration helps to bring out criticism, both positive and negative. For me personally, I really enjoying collaborating with other's, kind of like a school girl and wanting the approval of others. All and all this article was very helpful. As I mentioned before I will probably be reading this when it's 2 a.m and I am fresh out of ideas.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stories and Words

White Picked Fence-
1.) wood
2.) nails
3.) white paint
4.) chickens
5.) pigs
6.) birds
7.) cows
8.) horses
9.) hammer
10.) gloves
11.) corn
12.) straw
13.) garbage (compost)
14.) red barn
15.) John Deer Tractor
The storyline is people building a fence for all the farm animals, making them separate and diverse.
I believe that this story could have some interesting icons but the storyline needs some help. It needs more action, or one exact problem.

Yuck, Ew, Gross
1.) notebook
2.) pen
3.) backpack
4.) polka dot dress
5.) magnifying glass
6.) wide framed glasses
7.) clear jar
8.) kleenex
9.) little black mary jane's
10.) bug net
11.) trees
12.) leafs
13.) flowers (dandelion, roses, tulips)
14.) insects (lady bugs, caterpillar, butterflies, grasshoppers, spiders, praying mantis)
After squishing a lady bug, a little girl goes on a quest to find a bug that resembles her dress. Through her experience, she learns about other bugs. Bugs have different characteristics, this is where the title would be hinted. The yucky, ew, gross would be the reflection of what the bugs characteristics are.

Image Making Project1- Pleased to Meet You




This week we have taken a look into the Semiotics (which by definition is the science of signs). In any design work there are hinted signs. These signs can be obvious like an icon- revealing what is there, this usually is represented , an index- which are hints or traits that portray something else, and symbols- which is a sign that has a deeper meaning, something that has to be read metaphoric.

There should be more to come