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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Project 7 Final Posts

As I said before the audience for this piece was to be geared towards the parents, if they were to see this clip at the end of a video, online or even like the "clip" I did below. Through this experience I learned how to build a short compressed narrative. Examaminting two different thoughts when The parents or child would see this is to have pungent color, and an educational. It was hard to plan out 5 secs, because every little frame counts.
For my longer piece, there was a lot I learned about after effects. Also how to line up two channels, audio and imagery to make sure they work well together. With this piece I would like to continue it and make the other two learning styles come in. With motion it was fun to think of how the transition from image to image was going to be (while making it be timed according to the voice over) and I think it would be a great challenge to see how all three learning strategies would seem.

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