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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blending the two

Within the last two projects I have used the channels of audio and image. Now within the next part of the assignment it is time to use those materials and combined them. Ideas that I have is to go back through my audio and bring out different points that I did not include in the first audio, there were parts of the interview that I decided weren't as important as the audio that I choose. I think that the children describing their classroom setting and how they interact with the other children would be a good piece of audio to include. The other aspect is to include the images. I had problems with the imagery, and making the images visually appealing. One major part of the next exercises would be to go back through my notes and correct the images from the last crit. A major problem I had was using time. With the next step in the project I believe that the audio will help me with time, and I also want to go back through the images and improve the sequences of photos.

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