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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Image making: 7 Virtues- Update

During the next step to making my 7 virtues, I really thought about what it means to do that virtue. Over the weekend I looked at how people can help other people and what action in one shot can capture to show that virtue. The hardest part of this assignment was resolving those issues. Since I have chosen to take images of animal toys, it can be easier to compose the photograph, but planning out exactly how the animals will be shot and how they will displayed was the most time consuming. I have resolved many of the issues, which is really good, I did this without putting text in. I realized that I want the purpose of the text not to "help" the virtue but to give a connotation of childlike. Since virtues are about being pure and helping people I want the text to also give a sense of "corny" humor. It may sound a little out there but I would like it if my book could be read by children. In a way that they could point to the images and understand that there is someone sharing, or giving affection towards another animal. Now some virtues like Chastity, children would not understand, but I feel like other's they would be able to understand.

Here are some of the shots

Chastity- Many people understood this after the fact that the two penguins were sharing a ring, so they ring needs to me more noticeable.

Charity- Showing the impact of someone helping someone else. Tyler helped me brain storm, so that I could find a way of showing the scale of the Giraffe and Hippo, while implying that he is giving the Hippo a leaf.

Patience- I need to show the bone on the dog more.

Humility- One of my favorites. I research what it means to be modest and many people associate it with being a Nun, so I wanted to show a goofy Ostrage acting in modesty.

Diligence- The virtue of hard work. I wanted to also show teamwork and working together as a unit, I know that may not be what other people perceive the virtue as, but I believe the viewer can understand working as well teamwork. I need to get real dirt in the image so the impact of them working together can be communicated.

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